Business Fundraising

Whether your business is large or small, you can show how much you care by supporting a truly Cornish charity like ours. 

Business Fundraising Page Lead Image Head of Fundraising

Working together to make a difference

Supporting Cornwall Hospice Care is a great way to build your brand reputation and to show that your business is committed to helping our community.

You’ll also be helping to support our patients and their families across Cornwall to make the most of every moment they have together.

It costs us £6.5 million each year to care for our patients in our Hospices and in the community, but with only 10% of funding from the NHS we need the support of our local businesses to help us continue caring for people in Cornwall.

We understand that every company is different, so we have a range of ways that you can support Cornwall Hospice Care.

If your business would like to get involved, email or call 01726 66868 (option 3).

Why Support Cornwall Hospice Care?

Your business fundraising will be helping us to make every day matter for our patients and their loved ones, but there are lots of benefits for your company too!

  • Increase your brand profile, receive positive PR and reach new people through our social media network of 22,000+ followers
  • Unite your colleagues behind a local cause with a sense of purpose and build a stronger team
  • Show your employees, stakeholders and customers that you’re committed to supporting our local community
  • Develop your Corporate Social Responsibility strategy

Charity of the Year

Nominate us as your Charity of the Year and we will work with you to make sure it’s a year you’ll all remember!

Choosing to partner with Cornwall Hospice Care is a great way to engage and motivate your employees, increase your company brand and reach the local media.

Whether you arrange a cake sale, a Christmas jumper day, a quiz, or anything else to raise funds, you can be sure that we’ll support your Business Fundraising every step of the way and let you know the impact of your incredible efforts.

Commercial Partnerships

Support Cornwall Hospice Care with every sale – donate a percentage of the profit from one of your products or services.

It’s a brilliant way to raise funds, while also promoting your product and raising your brand profile.

Event Sponsorship

By sponsoring one of our fundraising events, you can reach all our participants and increase your brand profile.

We have a huge calendar of fundraising events, including Run Falmouth Half Marathon with up to 1,000 runners, Mount Edgcumbe American & Classic Car Show & Summer Fair with 12,000 visitors and the Saint’s Way Trek, a 30 mile to coast to coast trek over two days, or in a one day ultra trek for the more adventurous!

Take a look at our events calendar and get in touch to find out what the Sponsorship benefits include.

Team Events

Entering a group into one of our events is great for team building and a good way to get your colleagues behind something with a sense of purpose.

How about taking to the skies with a group skydive, lacing up your trainers for our Run Falmouth Half Marathon in March or even going international by taking part in Cycle France in September?

Take a look at our events calendar for inspiration and let us know if you have a company team taking part.

Business Volunteering

We love welcoming local businesses in to our charity for a day of volunteering.

Whether that’s in one of our hospices, sorting donations in our warehouse, getting stuck in at one of our 30 charity shops or supporting one of our fundraising events! Not only are volunteering days a fantastic way to help us, but they’re great for team building too, especially in a world where more people are working from home.

Gifts in Kind

Whether your business can offer us specific advice, use your resources to help us, or donate goods to use in our Hospices or at events, we’re always grateful for any in-kind support.

If you have any unwanted stock or end of line products, we could use them in our hospices or as prizes in our fundraising events. Plus, you can claim tax relief on these donations –

These gifts can save us money which we can then use to provide compassionate, specialised end of life care for patients and their loved ones.

Matched Funding

Do you offer matched funding when an employee chooses to fundraise?

It’s a great way to show support for your team, help them reach their fundraising target and give back to your local hospice. Whether your employee is arranging their own fundraising event or taking part in one of ours, matched funding is another way to help.

Payroll Giving

Giving directly from your pay is tax efficient. Anyone can give if their pay or pension is taxed through PAYE, and their employer offers a Payroll Giving Scheme. Payroll Giving helps to provide Cornwall Hospice Care with a reliable monthly income to fund our care, for example:

An hour of hospice nurse’s time costs, on average, £24. Through Payroll Giving a £24 donation would cost you £19.20 as a 20% tax rate payer. This gets lower to just £13.20 if you are a 45% tax rate payer, and we would still get the full donation of £24!

For more information, speak to your HR Department or visit Charitiestrust.

© Copyright 2023 - Cornwall Hospice Care is a Registered Charity Number 1113140.
Registered address: Porthpean Road, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 6AB. Registered in England and Wales; Company Number 5660401 - Web Design by The Ambitions Agency