Transport & mobility

Volunteer Cornwall
Community Transport Scheme Service for anyone who has difficulty in getting around. Wheelchair accessible. Tel 01872 265300 or use the ‘Book Transport’ on their website.

Age UK Cornwall
Age UK TAP Service TAP (Transport Access People) arrange door-to-door transport for people who have difficulty accessing other forms of public transport. Tele: 01872 223388.

British Red Cross
British Red Cross Support at Home - If you’re returning from hospital we make sure you have everything you need for your first 24 to 72 hours back at home 01209 614928.

Tremorvah Industries
Tremorvah Industries provide advice on mobility issues and equipment - call 01872 324340 or click below to visit their website.

Care & Support in Cornwall
Community Transport provides transport for those who are unable to access conventional public or private transport.

Cornwall Mobility
Specialist services and equipment for people throughout the South West peninsula to help with independent mobility.