Self-help resources for you

We know that sometimes it can be more comfortable and more accessible for you to look for support online, and we also recognise that it can be a minefield, trying to find the information you need from a source you know you can trust. That’s why we’ve put together a range of self help resources that you can access for free whenever you need them.

Looking for bereavement support?  Click the button below to see what we offer.

Help managing your condition

We have a growing set of Self Help Resources here on our website to help you live as well as you can and help your carers and loved ones assist you daily. You’ll see short videos and audio recordings made by our Therapy team and advice from nationally recognised expert bodies.

Managing your Breathlessness
Most of the time, we don’t think about breathing – it just happens automatically.
But breathing can become a considerable effort if you have an illness that causes breathlessness, making many everyday activities that much harder.

Our physiotherapists have put together some resources to help you understand breathlessness better and offer their advice on dealing with it.

Mindfulness and Relaxation
It’s always important to look after our well-being and mental health, so Mindfulness and Relaxation techniques can play a part in helping you manage your day-to-day well-being, particularly when you are going through a difficult time in your life. This leads to positive health benefits thanks to each one switching stress off, making either technique helpful in reducing stress, anxiety, depression and pain.

Head to our website page with a range of Mindfulness and Relaxation tools created by our own Therapy team to help and guide you.

Managing your Lymphoedema
Lymphoedema is a chronic, long-term condition caused by a problem with the lymphatic system – abnormal development or damage to the system (often during cancer treatment), or an increase in fluid in body tissues can lead to Lymphoedema.

At Cornwall Hospice Care, we’re very lucky to have our own Lymphoedema Clinical Specialists who run outpatient clinics at both our hospices and can give advice on managing your Lymphoedema, including help for carers and loved ones to support you.

Online support and self help resources

Useful links directory

We recognise that many other organisations can also help you to navigate your way through illness and bereavement, so we have put together our Useful Links Directory here on our website, which you can access 24/7 to help signpost you to those organisations who can best serve you and your needs.

Community Sharing Space (VCFC) for Website

Community Sharing Space

If you want to connect online via social media channels, please head to our Community Sharing Space on Facebook. It’s a public group available to anyone wishing to join and is there for people who are bereaved, feeling socially isolated, carers and those coping with a long-term illness.

It’s a space for:

  • Support, signposting & information
  • Well-being activities and events
  • Bereavement support
  • A place to share experiences
  • General Well-being

Members of the Cornwall Hospice Care Community Services Team are on hand to support, advise and signpost you to valuable resources and more.

What Matters? E-Newsletter

Our team produces a bi-annual electronic newsletter publication for those who are approaching or planning for end of life and those who are bereaved in Cornwall. It is aimed at patients, service users and the general public as well as other health and social care professionals.

Each edition covers a range of topics written by our team and members of the wider end of life care professional community in the county.

Volume 8

Winter/Spring 2025

Volume 7

Summer/Autumn 2024

What Matters Volume 7

Volume 6

Winter 23/Spring 24

Volume 5

Summer/Autumn 2023

What Matters Newsletter Volume 5 Summer Autumn 2023

Volume 4

Winter/Spring 2023

Volume 3

Summer/Autumn 2022

Volume 2

Winter/Spring 2022

Volume 1

Summer/Autumn 2021

Online Seminars

During the restrictions of Covid-19, we held some free online seminars for healthcare professionals and the general public, working alongside another local organisation, Community Connect.

Each seminar includes a range of topics and speakers from local and nationally recognised organisations and experts in Palliative and End of Life Care. You can watch them below.

What Matters to YOU at The End? Seminar
Two days of guest speakers from leading organisations, presenting what support they can offer around planning for End of Life.

Palliative and End of Life Care in Cornwall… Navigating the Services Seminar
Three afternoon sessions looking at Acute Services (Day 1), Planning and Keeping well in the community (Day 2) and Reclaiming public understanding of dying (Day 3).

Community Engagement and Covid-19 …what next Seminar
Three afternoon sessions which covered Before Covid (Day 1), Engagement responses to Lockdown (Day 2) and What Next? (Day 3).

© Copyright 2023 - Cornwall Hospice Care is a Registered Charity Number 1113140.
Registered address: Porthpean Road, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 6AB. Registered in England and Wales; Company Number 5660401 - Web Design by The Ambitions Agency