Government funding for hospices – an update from our Executive Management Team

Government funding for hospices – an update from our Executive Management Team on Wednesday 26th February 2025

Dear all,

We want to let you know that we’ve now been advised of our allocation from the Government’s promised funding for hospices.  This will be £161,125 in this current financial year. We’ll receive a further allocation in 2025/26 but we don’t know how much that will be yet.

We were made aware of this news yesterday but it was strictly embargoed until the early hours of this morning, hence us telling you now.

The Government will be making much of this so we expect it to be a news item and Paul Brinsley has already been interviewed by BBC Radio Cornwall.

This money is capital funding and will be allocated against our existing capital expenditure in 2024/25. As you know, we’re facing increased costs next financial year when the National Insurance contribution rises along with the Real Living Wage.

Whilst this capital funding is, of course, very welcome, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re almost entirely funded by the community of Cornwall. What’s more, we’ll continue to rely on our supporters in the future and as always, are very grateful to them for funding our vital work.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to raise them with your Line Manager.

Best wishes,

Paul, Gina, Will and Frazer

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