The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly End of Life Learning Path

The learning path has been developed to guide and support primary, secondary and social care staff. It is supported by a handheld passport, which provides a platform for discussion and evidence of learning.

End of Life Learning Path

What is it?

The Cornwall End of Life Learning Path was launched in November 2019, it was developed by members of the Cornwall End of Life Education Group with the support of the e-LfH (e-learning for health care) programme team.

E-LfH is a national online learning resource developed by the Department of Health. It contains thousands of e-learning sessions on an extensive range of subjects created by health professionals nationwide.

e-ELCA (End of Life care for all e-learning) is the end of life care section within e-LfH, which contains sessions on the skills and knowledge that underpin high-quality end of life care.

End of Life Learning Path

How it works

The e-learning element takes the learner through different learning objectives completing specified modules plus an additional learning module of the participant’s choice.

The learning objectives have been identified in the ‘One Chance to Get it Right’ document as some of the key skills and knowledge required to enable staff to deliver high-quality, compassionate end of life care. The learner must also attend a minimum of 2 hours face to face/virtual training and undertake two reflective accounts.

The ‘One Chance to Get it Right’ publication recommends that end of life care teaching methods include some element of experiential learning and reflective practice as part of continuing professional development and life-long learning.

Learning objectives
The high-level learning objective linked to reflective practice is that the individual can describe the importance of and act upon maintaining their own and team’s resilience through reflective practice and clinical supervision. To support you in achieving this learning objective, you must undertake a minimum of 2 reflective accounts. This should include a reflective account of your practice and a reflective account of your learning path experience.

Reflective accounts
The reflection of your learning path experience will also be an opportunity for you to review your training log, the learning outcomes achieved and the types of learning that you found most valuable. This may guide you towards further educational opportunities within your work / specialty. We aim to constantly improve services to patients and relatives by working collaboratively with partners in health and social care to ensure best practice standards are maintained the pathway is an excellent springboard for further learning.

Your learning path resources

To support the end of life learning path we have a number of resources:

Learning log
Record your learning on your learning log and file within your handheld passport or alternatively complete electronically. The learning log helps to evidence learning which supports fulfilment of the end-of-life learning path requirements. Supports continued professional development / continued learning. Captures all types of learning including e-learning, informal learning, reflective practice and face-to-face education sessions.

Evidence sheets
To evidence learning and capture learning outcomes.

Reflective sheets
To evidence learning through reflection, incudes summary of activity, learning from activity and learning through.

Reflective practice guidance
This guide helps individuals achieve the final learning objective, which is to describe the importance of and act upon maintaining own and team resilience through reflective practice and clinical supervision. You may use this guide to help support the completion of your two reflective accounts.

Positive outcomes

More than 1000 people have registered for the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly End of Life Learning Path, please take a look at some of the inspiring reflections and feedback from individuals who have completed the learning path.

Jemma Johnson – Health Care Assistant at St Austell Community Hospital

“The sign up was quick and easy! I have been chipping away at the learning course for the last month and a half.

The eLearning was really easy to follow, the modules to complete were really interesting and covered so many aspects of End of Life care that when you complete all of the modules, you feel that you have really expanded your knowledge as well as recapping and refreshing your knowledge of parts that you already knew.

After completing my eLearning, I went on to complete my face to face training which I found very useful. I attended the Communication Skills session which I felt really increased my knowledge in how to react and communicate in certain scenarios at work. Being able to talk and share experiences with other healthcare professionals from different workplaces was such a huge benefit. I felt like I learnt a lot listening to others on the course and going back to my workplace, I feel confident that I could put what I learnt into practice as well as sharing my learning with my peers.

Overall, I loved being able to expand my knowledge on End-of-Life Care and would highly recommend everyone to take part! This course is so accessible to everyone that it would be a shame to miss such a brilliant opportunity.”

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