With the number of annual deaths in the UK expected to rise by 130,000 by 2040, Cornwall Hospice Care has joined a coalition of hospices looking to manage the surge in demand. They’ve launched the ‘This Is Hospice Care’ campaign that highlights the importance of gifts in Wills through a range of channels, including national television advertising.
A national conversation about hospice care
“We’re joining a national conversation about the growing need and therefore costs, for hospice care,” says Paul Brinsley, Chief Executive of Cornish healthcare charity Cornwall Hospice Care. “’This is Hospice Care’ sees Hospice UK bring together over 140 hospices in England, Scotland and Wales to highlight the crucial importance of supporting hospices to meet future demands. If we don’t start planning now, the gap in hospice care and its funding could become very real and have a damaging effect very quickly.”
Hospice care in action
Luke Tripconey’s Mum Lisa was cared for at St Julia’s Hospice in Hayle two years ago. He says it’s the care she would have wanted at the end of her life; “The hospice was far less chaotic than hospital. The staff were great and we had time. We had a film day with Mum in her expanding ‘cuddle bed’ and the dog could come in too. It meant a lot to Mum to have the people she wanted around her and to spend time with us all.” Luke has made a short film about the care his Mum and the family received and you can watch it HERE.
Funding hospice care
An increase in demand will place unprecedented pressure on the charity’s two hospices – Mount Edgcumbe Hospice in St Austell and St Julia’s Hospice in Hayle – that already rely on funding almost entirely provided by the community of Cornwall.
Gifts in Wills are pivotal to funding hospice care
Paul Brinsley again; “Gifts in Wills already play a pivotal role in the funding of Cornwall Hospice Care. In the last financial year (2023/24) alone they provided £2.7million, that’s 40% of the money needed to fund our annual care costs of £6.9million. Currently two in five of our patients are cared for thanks to legacies, they form a vital bedrock of funding that ensures our today and hopefully, our tomorrow.”
Hospice care must live on
“Our message is more important than ever; when you’ve remembered those close to you, please consider leaving our charity a gift in your Will so we can continue the vision of our founder who built Cornwall’s first hospice 45 years ago.”
Hospice care information
To find out more about the importance of legacies to Cornwall Hospice Care, please visit the charity’s website Gifts In Wills webpage..
Hospice care appeals
Watch messages from a range of people who’re passionate about hospice care: