A new set of caring superheroes have arrived at our hospices in the form of toy cats, dogs, dinosaurs and rabbits. They’ve been beautifully made and donated to us by a company called Scamp and Dude and they’ll be used by Ange Bunt and Marie Brookes, our Bereavement Counsellors.
“A colleague flagged the company up to me”, says Ange.
“I’d never heard of them but when they sell a toy they also give one away to where it might be needed. They’ve already sent us 23 toys.”
The superheroes toys are dressed in a cloak that has written on it “A superhero has my back”. Each has a pocket in to which you can put something special like a picture, a shell or a note from a loved one. The superheroes characters also have a label that says “superpower button” that you can press while thinking positive thoughts.
“I’ll be using them as part of my ‘teddy therapy’”, adds Ange.
“They’re toys that can be given to children by terminally ill parents or grandparents that’s from them. You can add perfume or after shave and the recipient can hug the character and feel love and memories of the person who’s died. They give a lot of comfort and of course anyone can have one, it’s not just about leaving a gift for a child. Memory boxes are special but you can’t hug them, these are very personal and tactile.”