Previous editions
Previous versions of ‘Our Impact’ are also available below. They show our work across the county and how we make a difference to terminally ill patients and their carers, family and friends.
“Because” was the title of our 2022/2023 impact report and reflects on the reasons people support, work and volunteer for us, our achievements this year and a look to the future of our Cornish Charity. It includes supporter Amanda who talks about her Dad and the care he received at St Julia’s Hospice, along with an insight from Lesley working in our Education team about why she enjoys being part of Cornwall Hospice Care. You can also read the story behind the Fontana Tranquillity Garden built at Mount Edgcumbe Hospice and read a touching letter we received from a user of our Walk Talk Kernow service.
“This is what we do” was the title of our 2021/2022 impact report, which included the incredible story of Liz and Luca, her horse and how she enjoyed precious time with Luca during her stay with us at our St Julia’s Hospice in Hayle. We also featured key statistics and get a more in-depth insight into our work.
Our 2020/2021 impact report “Our resilience and revival” captures the story of what was probably the toughest period in our charity’s 40-year history. Far from celebrating our Ruby Anniversary, we faced dark times. Covid-19 forced us to close shops, stop our fundraising activities and concentrate on keeping our key workers safe and our hospices open 24/7 for those end of life patients who needed us.
The 2019-20 version was titled ‘This is what it takes’ and looked at what it takes to deliver our care. It also featured Keith’s story about his wife Pat who was cared for at our Mount Edgcumbe Hospice and their experiences of end of life care and support.